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Bed assembly service

Included with the service: assembly of 1 bed frame following the product instructions:

  • Ottoman bed - assembly time is 2 hours
  • Single bed (no storage) or sofa bed - assembly time is one hour
  • Bunk bed; assembly time is 2 hours
  • Cabin bed or bunk bed with storage; assembly time is 2.5 hours
  • Double or single bed with under bed storage; assembly time is 2 hours
  • Wall or Murphy bed assembled and wall mounted in 4 hours
We have experience with IKEA beds, Bensons for beds, Dreams, Happy Beds,, Furniture123, Dusk, Argos, Amazon, Next, Wayfair, Bedstar.

Moving the bed to a different room is not included in the installation.
If you need more than one bed assembled, please mail us at [email protected]

Frequently asked questions

Do you offer same-day bed assembly? Yes, we do! Same-day, next-day, and any day services are available to meet your needs.

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On our menu you'll find 3 categories of services:
  1. Furniture assembly
  2. Handyman
  3. Smart home installations